GEW, DEDEAT conducts SMME information-sharing sessions

The department seeking to ramp up access to its funding and non-financial services 

As the Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) gets underway, the Eastern Cape (EC) Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEDEAT) is conducting information sharing sessions targeting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and young entrepreneurs across the province.

The GEW programme is implemented in partnership with other strategic partners such as government departments, development agencies, business incubators, Municipalities, and private sector institutions.

These include:

  • the hosting municipalities LED Units
  • the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti)
  • South African Revenue Services (SARS)
  • Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA)
  • Municipal LED
  • Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)
  • institutions of higher learning, among others.

The DEDEAT will bring all its key programme representatives including those from:

  • Enterprise Development
  • Local and Regional Economic Development
  • Isiqalo Youth Fund
  • Managers from key sectors like agro-industry, manufacturing, automotive, tourism and sustainable energy.

The sessions provide a platform for the stakeholders to consolidate and leverage strategic partnerships for the benefit of the local SMEs and communities; strengthen enterprise network programme and provide a platform for policy engagement.

The sessions are also helping to provide guidance to potential applicants and clarity on the mandatory requirements for government funding and the associated policies. The sessions are also providing guidance on non-financial support services available.

The theme of the EC GEW, November 2019, is “Building sustainable and competitive enterprises”. 

Download the 2019 GEW programme