Consumer Protector

This is the consumer protector information page

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Department’s values

DEDEAT values

The Department’s economic development and environmental management activities are guided by four values.

  • Leadership
  • Flexiblity
  • Flexibility
  • Teamwork

Department’s three programmes

For more information

To achieve and accomplish its vision and mission, the Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism is divided into three programmes and an array of structured sub-programmes.

These programmes are administration, economic development and environmental management.

For more information

More information about the department’s roles and responsibilities in economic planning and environmental affairs are also available.

Information on the province’s development financier, parks and tourism, gambling and liquor regulatory body as well as the Coega  and East London IDZs which execute some of the roles is available here.

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Phone Numbers

Head Office(800) 456-7890
Alfred Nzo District(800) 456-7891
Joe Gqabi District(800) 456-7892
Amathole District(800) 456-7892
OR Tambo District(800) 456-7892
Sarah Baartman District(800) 456-7892
Chris Hani District(800) 456-7892

ECDC(800) 456-7893
ECPTA(800) 456-7894
EC Liquor Board(800) 456-7895
EC Gambling Board(800) 456-7896
East London IDZ(800) 456-7897
Coega(800) 456-7898
Rescue(800) 456-7899


km2, square



year of foundation

