• Support and develop business enterprises
  • Promote the economic growth and development of local economies with partnerships with key stakeholders by aligning local and regional economic development initiatives with government programmes
  • Facilitate the process of empowerment and creation of an enabling business environment for previously disadvantaged individuals.

Functions under this area include:

  • Enterprise development
  • Regional and local economic development
  • Economic empowerment


  • Facilitate trade promotion, retention and attraction of investment in priority sectors
  • Facilitate the implementation of national and provincial priority programmes
  • Create an enabling environment for sustainable economic growth and development of prioritised and emerging sectors in the Eastern Cape
  • Drive implementation of programmes in these prioritised sectors: Automotive, green economy, manufacturing and tourism.

Functions under this area include:

  • Trade and investment promotion
  • Sector development
  • Strategic initiatives.


  • Lobby for the provision of a regulatory environment that addresses barriers in the broader environment
  • Promote good corporate governance principles, stability and efficiency in doing business
  • Develop, implement and promote measures that ensure the rights and interests of all consumers.
  • Promote and maintain an effective and efficient regulatory system for the regulation of business, industries and sectors.

Functions under this area include:

  • Public oversight
  • Regulation services
  • Consumer protection
  • Liquor regulation
  • Gambling and betting.


  • Develop evidence-based provincial policies and strategies which inform decision-making processes
  • Ensure accessible scientific information to inform economic policy and planning processes.

Functions under this area include:

  • Policy and planning
  • Research and development
  • Knowledge management
  • Monitor and evaluation.


  • Create an enabling tourism environment through legislation, policy and strategy development
  • Create demand and supply for tourism
  • Ensure sustainability and tourism sector transformation.

Functions under this area include:

  • Tourism planning
  • Tourism growth and development
  • Tourism sector transformation.