Frequently asked questions

About the Department


>Who is the member of the executive council (MEC) responsible for the Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism?

The MEC responsible for this department is Mlungisi Mvoko.

>Who is the head of department (HoD) for the Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism?

The HOD responsible for this department is Mrs Mickey Mama.

About the Department’s focus

>What is the Department’s focus?

The Department focuses on three service delivery areas: Economic development, tourism development and environmental management.

Delivery in these areas aligns with the government’s national outcomes:

Outcome 4 – Decent employment through inclusive economic growth.

Outcome 6 – An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network.

Outcome 7 – Rural development, land and agrarian reform, food security.

Outcome 10 – Environmental assets and natural resources that are well protected and continually enhanced.

Outcome 12 – An efficient, effective and development-oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship.

More information is available in DEDEAT’s 2020/21 annual report.

About the Department’s programmes

>How are programmes of the Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism structured?

Economic development services include:

  • Integrated Economic Development Services
  • Trade and Sector Development
  • Business Regulations and Governance
  • Economic Planning.

Environmental affairs management services include:

  • Policy Co-ordination and Environmental Planning
  • Compliance and Enforcement
  • Environmental Quality Management
  • Biodiversity Management
  • Environmental Empowerment Services.

More information is available in DEDEAT’s 2020/21 annual report.

About important legislation governing the Department’s mandate

>What is the legislation governing the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Board?

The Eastern Cape Parks Board is governed by the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency Act No 2 of 2010.

>What legislation governs the Eastern Cape Gambling and Betting Board?

The Eastern Cape Gambling Board is governed by the Eastern Cape Gambling Act No 5 of 1997 (link to legislation) More information is available on the Eastern Cape Gambling Board’s roles and responsibilities (link to entities section).

>What legislation governs the Eastern Cape Liquor Board (ECLB)?

The ECLB was established in terms of the Eastern Cape Liquor Act No 10 of 2003 (link to act here).  More information is available on the Eastern Cape London Liquor Board’s roles and responsibilities (link to entities section).

>What legislation governs the Eastern Cape Development Corporation (ECDC)?

ECDC is governed by the Eastern Cape Development Corporation Act No 2 of 1997.  More information is available on ECDC’s roles and responsibilities (link to entities section).

>What legislation governs the East London IDZ?

The East London IDZ was based on the regulations of the Manufacturing Development Act (MDA) Act No 187 of 1993.

>What legislation governs the Coega Development Corporation?

The Coega Development Corporation was established in 1999 according to the derivatives of the regulations promulgated by the Manufacturing Development Act No 187 of 1993.

About the special economic zones in the province

>What is a SEZ?

A SEZ is any area developed as such by the Minister of Trade and Industry under section 10(1) of Act No 187 of 1993.

The Eastern Cape has two SEZs: Coega (link to public entities section) and the East London SEZ (link to public entities section).

A third SEZ is being developed on the Wild Coast.

About the public entities which the Department oversees

>What is a parastatal or public entity?

A parastatal or public entity is a government-owned corporation or entity.

>Which entities does the Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism oversee?

>What role do public entities under the Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism perform?

These entities play a key role in advancing the Department’s mandate.

These entities offer strategic services and assist in economic transformation and environmental management.

>What is the Eastern Cape Development Corporation’s role?

The role of ECDC is to plan, finance, coordinate, market, promote and implement the development of the province and all its people in the fields of industry, commerce, agriculture, transport and finance.

>What is the East London SEZ’s role?

The role of the East London SEZ is to:

  • attract and secure strategic investments that promote the export competitiveness of South African manufactured products and services
  • strengthen, expand and diversify the local and regional economy
  • enable exploitation (via beneficiation of regional natural resources)
  • secure advanced foreign production and technology methods
  • encourage skills transfer and local intellectual capital development.

>What is Coega’s role?

Its role is to:

  • attract and secure strategic investments that promote the export competitiveness of South African manufactured products and services
  • strengthen, expand and diversify the local and regional economy
  • enable exploitation (via beneficiation of regional natural resources)
  • secure advanced foreign production and technology methods
  • encourage skills transfer and local intellectual capital development.

>What is the Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency’s role?

The ECPTA is responsible for:

  • Developing and managing protected areas
  • Promoting and facilitating the development of tourism in the province.

The legislation also provides for the establishment of two funds:

  • The Eastern Cape Tourism Development Fund aims to empower and develop previously disadvantaged individuals in the tourism sector
  • The Eastern Cape Biodiversity Conservation and Development Fund aims to empower and develop previously disadvantaged individuals and promote biodiversity conservation in protected areas.

>What is the role of the Eastern Cape Gambling Board (ECGB)?

The role of the ECGB is to:

  • oversee all gambling and betting activities in the province
  • establish, develop and maintain the board as an effective and efficient regulatory agency.

Oversight includes casino operations, horse racing, route and site operations based on limited pay-out machines, bingo halls and clubs, licensing of gaming equipment manufacturers and suppliers, registration of gambling and betting personnel and curbing gambling operations.

>What is the role of the Eastern Cape Liquor Board (ECLB)?

The ECLB is required to:

  • Regulate the registration of retail sales and micro-manufacturing of liquor in the province
  • Encourage and support the liquor industry in the management and reduction of the socio-economic and other costs of excessive alcohol consumption by creating a conducive environment in which new entrants into the liquor industry are facilitated
  • Take measures against those selling liquor outside of the regulatory framework
  • Ensure that those involved in the liquor industry attain and maintain adequate standards of service delivery
  • Encourage ward committees and communities to participate in the consideration of applications for registration certificates
  • Address the challenges facing the liquor industry in the province.